Correct me if I'm wrong -- but it was my understanding that the point of incarceration was to remove a criminal from society, thus providing the opportunity for one to reflect on the crimes perpetrated (and as punishment for said actions).
Again, correct me if I'm wrong -- but this is what happened with Michael Vick. He committed an admittedly HEINOUS crime and served 2 years as punishment, in addition to the hundreds of millions in lost salary & endorsements. He had to file for bankruptcy protection as his liquid assets were quickly wiped out. He missed valuable time with his young children, even missing the birth of his youngest daughter. He must live daily with the fact that he allowed something unconscionable to happen on his watch, nearly losing everything that he had in the process. So why was this not enough?
The man hasn't played in the NFL in 3 years but there are some who feel that this is not punishment enough. When the Eagles announced yesterday that they'd signed him, the reaction was so mixed... some immediately sold their season tix online, while some were frothing at the mouth just thinking about the offensive nightmare the Birds could become.
There are some that will never give him a chance to prove that he's learned from his mistakes and that he can become an example for others. The man isn't even 30 years old -- he has PLENTY of time to make things right. Speaking of making things right, I'm further confused by the fact that Donte Stallworth did not generate a fraction of the outrage expressed toward Michael Vick. Let's look at the "tale of the tape" shall we?
Michael Vick
Crime: Financing a vicious dogfighting ring, conducted at a residence that he owned.
Punishment: Two year jail sentence & concurrent NFL suspension, expected to extend into October. Not allowed to own dogs anymore.
Public Reaction: Extreme outrage, to the extent that some would have him killed in the same manner as the dogs.
Donte Stallworth
Crime: Got high & drunk while out partying one night. Drove his luxury car down a busy street and plowed into a motorist, killing him.
Punishment: Thirty day jail sentence & 1 year NFL suspension. Never allowed to drive again. Also made settlement with family as part of his plea.
Public Reaction: Has there been any? This got nowhere near the airtime & scrutiny that Vick got the day the Eagles signed him, let alone since the incident first happened.
And don't even get me started on Rick Pitino...
Sure, the public reacted to Stallworth -- but can anyone in their right mind say that it even compares to Vick? Vick's actions led to the deaths of scores of dogs, while Stallworth got high/drunk and killed a human being. Unless we're giving Stallworth a pass for being inebriated, I just don't get it. Human beings will always come before dogs on my hierarchy, no matter how you slice it. Who would you rather your daughter bring home: a dogfighter or a serial rapist? Again, I'm not saying that it's okay, but I feel like it needs to be put into perspective a bit. Dogfighting is cruel, but deer hunting for sport is even worse in my opinion. Killing those innocent animals just to put a new head on your wall? I guess killing is perfectly moral when you have a license for it.
I'm not saying that Vick is an angel -- I know he screwed up BIG TIME and committed a DEPLORABLE act... but much like a man who has cheated on his wife, he is asking for a second chance. He has paid his debt to society and is looking to become a productive member again. I just ask that we give the man a chance to make good on his promise. Now if he pulls an Adam "Pacman" Jones and relapses by even so much LOOKING at a dog twice, we can revisit this topic... At that point, I can assure you that my post would be short & sweet:
Actually yes, he is. Just kidding. But yes, I agree there is definitely a double standard going on here and totally agree with you.
It is all about intent. He trained these dogs to fight; he organized fights to the death of these animals. People say it is about the money but he enjoyed it. Have you seen those videos, there is something sick and wrong with him. How can something treat a living being like that.
Also comparing punishments is not part of the justice system. They do not go well this guy got 5 to 10 for a worse crime. People are supposed to be punish for how long rehabilitation will take, which is why there is life in prison some people Are beyond help.
As far as Vick only getting two years it was far too little. People wanted him back in the nfl. If you want to compare punishments, LeShon Johnson,former nfl running back, got a 5 year deferred sentence after they found 200 dogs at a raid of his dog fighting operation.
As for has Vick suffered enough p, missing time with his kids, his career, and losing all him money. It sounds like your saying oh poor Michael vike, he should of thought of that before deciding to commit a crime!
Break the law you deserve what you get. He knew it was wrong. He did it anyway. Every dog that died, every dog he bought he knew he was trading days away from him kids and money. He is like most criminals they do not think they will get caught. Vile is not sorry for dog fight he like he believes they are dogs not people so who cares. But they are or we're living a pond breathing things that deserve better than bad people using them in malicious ways. Vile is only sorry he got caught. He is sorry for himself and losses.
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