Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 20, 2009

Today marks a moment that will forever be enshrined in the history books.

There are few people -- American or otherwise -- who will forget what has happened today. We have witnessed the beginning of a tremendous shift in the political landscape. We will be able to tell our children that we saw the first man of color elected as the President of the United States. Some of us were even able to take our children to Washington to personally view this momentous event.

As a native of Washington, DC, I have to say that I've never before been as proud to see throngs of "out-of-towners" flooding the city. There is nothing more incredible than seeing people of all colors come together to celebrate the arrival of one Barack Obama to his new home at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

President Obama: I wish you all the luck in the world. You have many difficult tasks ahead of you. You will bear the burden of restoring our nations' financial health, repairing a broken healthcare system, reforming immigration & safely returning our troops home. Should you fail, you'll be blamed (by those who oppose you) as if you created this disastrous scenario. Those who support you know that you seek only to reverse & undo the damage that has been done over the last 8 years.

We know that you seek to show the world that America can, has and will change. We know that you will call on us to do our part in making America an even stronger global powerhouse than it has ever been. We know that you seek to erase the boundaries of color that continue to divide the people of our nation. We know that you have our best interests in mind and that you seek to equip our children with the tools necessary to continue the fight to well into the future.

Good luck, sir... and may the force be with you.

1 comment:

Music Snob said...

The man means business!
