I'd like to say that the absence of new episodes of my favorite shows has kept me away from the boob tube and left me to more productive endeavors... but alas, that is sadly not the case -- I merely just found other things to watch. Here is a short list of all the shows which I (re)discovered during the hiatus of my current faves:
1. Parking Wars (AETV)Well, folks -- that's my starter list of the shows have held my attention (good or bad) during the writers' strike. There were definitely a few more shows that held me DOWN (or HELD me down, it's simply a matter of semantics) -- but I just wanted to get the ball rolling here.
Very appropriately timed was this show about people in this very city of Philadelphia who've had run-ins with the Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) -- and the employees of said organization who enforce their guidelines. It seems like a weird idea on the surface, but it's pretty freakin' hilarious to listen to people's excuses and watch them flip out after receiving citations. As if you didn't know parking on the damn sidewalk wasn't okay... genius. Here's the clincher: I actually got my car towed for the first time ever (Editor's note: I was parked too long on the street during rush hour -- don't even get me started) and they were actually filming footage for this show while I was in there. You'll probably never hear from all the people that I did, but let me just tell you -- most of them deserved their tickets, but to hear them bitch and trash the PPA was HILARIOUS. Almost makes my road rage not seem so bad by comparison... GRADE: B+
2. Pardon The Interruption (ESPN)
There is not much bad I could ever say about this show, pre- or post-strike. For some reason, I'd fallen off in recent months and only now have begun to incorporate it into my daily ritual. This is a great sports show and a must-watch for any sports fan. You get the low-down on all the big sports news, delivered in most hilarious fashion by the hosts (Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon). They bicker and argue like they have no sense, dropping much humorous off-the-cuff commentary along the way. Man, I love me some PTI... GRADE: A
3. Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew (VH1)
I know what you're thinking -- what the fuck, Abe? Well yeah, I'm sorry. I got drawn into this fucking show. Nothing like watching a bunch of rich people bitch about all their problems and how drugs have taken over their lives. Let me tell you something, buddy -- there are not that many of my problems that can't be solved with, I dunno, MONEY! I suppose they all are proof positive that Christopher Wallace's theory holds weight: Mo' Money = Mo' Problems. Our favorite real TV doctor Dr. Drew throws these guys all into one rehab center and attempts to discover the root of their addiction and help them kick it (Editor's note: Very admirable. He's classy. I like him. Plus "Loveline" was awesome). The cast includes such "stars" as:
- Joanie Laurer aka "Chyna" (former pro wrestler/bodybuilder)
- Ricco Rodriguez (ex-UFC champion)
- Jaimee Foxworth aka "Judy Winslow" (the daughter who went upstairs and never came back down)
- Brigitte Nielson (we've all seen and/or heard of her fling w/ Flavor Flav -- haven't we?)
- Daniel Baldwin (almost as unsuccessful as his brother, Billy)
- Jeff Conaway (of "Grease" and "Taxi" fame, presently one fucked up individual)
There are a few more characters on the show, but I think you get the gist by now... GRADE: B
4. The Moment of Truth (FOX)
Well, what more can I say here? The premise of this show is that the producers ask you a bunch of tough questions and randomly select 21 for you to answer again on live TV. Oh, did I mention that you're connected to a polygraph? That's right, folks -- you too can embarass yourself and your entire family for a shot at $500,000! Ever wondered "Geez, how can I get rid of my wife/husband?" -- well, fret not... this show has you covered! All you have to lose is the very fabric of your existence.
I won't front like it's not kinda funny -- I just wish people would think twice before purchasing a "No Sex For Life" gift basket like this... GRADE: C
So, what have you been watching?
Some shows I'd never watch but did b/c of this darn strike-
One tree hill- C, why is it still on?
Dance Wars- B-, it does not beat So you think you can dance or even dancing with the stars
Randy Jackson Presents America's Best Dance Crew- A, really like this, these people have talent!
Make me a Supermodel- B, has nothing on Top Model, the female models are boring but the male models are pretty hot and have better personalities, not bad really
Gossip Girl- B-, I hate these people, but the drama, oh the teen drama!
Read world/road rules challenge- C+, I hate these people too but reality shows have gotten me through!
I'm addicted (smile) to Celeb Rehab too! How funny was it on the last ep that Mary Carey tried to describe the "stars" of the show to her mom and the mom never heard of them. They are a bunch of has been's and never were's! But I'm totally sucked in & rooting for them to overcome their addictions. Dr. Drew is the heart of the show. His earnest professionalism makes this show classy and kind of educational unlike the usual VH1 celebsploitation.
Also love Project Runway as always. Fierce!
True Life on MTV caught my eye. Try to catch "I'm dead broke" and "I have Tourrette's syndrome". Those editions will make you sit down & count your blessings.
I could write so much more. I'm such a tv addict.
Parking wars is an amazing, amazing show.
I love PTI... love love Wilbon...
Also love the moment of truth... just wish they wouldnt have they long pauses in between the question and the answers...more people would be able to get on the show if they cut out on all the stupid suspense stuff!
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